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Chinese translation for "belt type"


Related Translations:
hydrogen belt:  氢带
great belt:  大贝尔特海峡大海峡
braided belt:  编比机带
cross belt:  交叉皮带
link belt:  弹链式弹带链带链式传动带链条
dynamo belts:  发电机传动带
belt radiator:  条带式散热器
conveying belt:  传送带输送带运输带
chastity belt:  贞操带贞洁带
searchlight belt:  探照灯照射区
Example Sentences:
1.Y33 type belt type conveyor can be matched with a , b type
A b型配y33型带式输送机
2.Zjt1 - 86 belt type conveyor can be matched with , type
型配zjt1 - 86型带式输送机
3.Steel cord conveyor belts - preferred belt types
4.Steel cord conveyor belts - part 2 : preferred belt types
5.S99series belt type permanent magnetic separator
6.Measuring and grinding machine for raw edge v - belts type dhv - 3000
Tgm - 5000新概念同步带磨背机
7.Y34 series belt type conveyor
8.Y33 series belt type conveyor
9.Steel cord conveyor belts - part 2 : preferred belt types iso 15236 - 2 : 2004 ; german version en iso 15236 - 2 : 2004
10.Virtual assemble modeling and simulation of metal pushing belt type continuously variable transmission
Similar Words:
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