| 1. | Y33 type belt type conveyor can be matched with a , b type A b型配y33型带式输送机 |
| 2. | Zjt1 - 86 belt type conveyor can be matched with , type 型配zjt1 - 86型带式输送机 |
| 3. | Steel cord conveyor belts - preferred belt types 钢丝绳运输带.优选带类型 |
| 4. | Steel cord conveyor belts - part 2 : preferred belt types 钢丝传送带.第2部分:优选带类型 |
| 5. | S99series belt type permanent magnetic separator S99系列带式永磁分离机 |
| 6. | Measuring and grinding machine for raw edge v - belts type dhv - 3000 Tgm - 5000新概念同步带磨背机 |
| 7. | Y34 series belt type conveyor Y34系列振动输送机 |
| 8. | Y33 series belt type conveyor Y33系列带式输送机 |
| 9. | Steel cord conveyor belts - part 2 : preferred belt types iso 15236 - 2 : 2004 ; german version en iso 15236 - 2 : 2004 衬钢丝绳芯传送带.第2部分:选用带类型 |
| 10. | Virtual assemble modeling and simulation of metal pushing belt type continuously variable transmission 金属带式无级变速器虚拟制造环境中建模与装配仿真 |